Friday, March 11, 2016

Mill "What Utilitarianism Is" Response

            In the latest reading on Mill he proceeds to lay out exactly what utilitarianism is. Instead of rambling on about his definition and his definition alone, he brings to light common misconceptions. I thought this was the best way to go about explaining what utilitarianism is. If had given a long drawn out definition I doubt I would have been able to complete the reading. The way he transitioned from misconception to fact allowed for me to stay focused because the subject matter was changing. This made each paragraph a new subject of the overarching theme.
            When Mill combats the claim that thinking the meaning of life is pleasure he tries to say that our pleasures are superior to that of animals. That our quest for pleasure is not comparable to that of an animal. I feel like this argument doesn’t address the core issue with the statement being that our search is for pleasure. The way Mill spells it out makes it feel as if we as humans are selfish creatures. Granted selfishness does exist, I just think that diluting the meaning of life to pleasure demeans what people live for. It would be difficult to find purpose if you lived for nothing save for personal pleasure

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