Thursday, March 10, 2016

Klosterman "Preface" Response

            The tone of Chuck Klostermans I wear the Black Hat seems to be rather light. From the preface I get that he’s going to be discussing serious things while keeping an approachable tone. Not too preachy but not too immature. He seems like he’s just writing his thoughts how they appear organically.  It’s refreshing to read in comparison to the first reading we read. Instead of being old and out of touch, it reference current entertainment such as Star Wars. The way he writes makes you feel as if you’re having a conversation which allows for me to read his writing easily.

            In the preface, something that Klosterman said resonated with me. When he was talking about how he viewed the strangers outside of his window and how he didn’t care about them. He proceeded to bring up how cares about strangers when they’re abstract. This resonated because at times I feel a similar way. Often times when I see those I don’t know or have not attachment to they don’t really exist. In my universe those who I know exist and those who don’t are merely nameless characters around me. Like Klosterman, I feel like this view is problematic because some say strangers are just acquaintances you haven’t met yet. 

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