Friday, April 29, 2016

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Response

            “Where are you going, where have you been” can be described as the narrative of a semi average girl. She lives at home with a seemingly perfect older sibling who she is constantly compared to. Her need to stay at home alone while her family was at a BBQ led to her being assaulted. The thing I found disturbing about this story was how Connie did nothing wrong to deserve what happened to her. It raises a sense of fear because this happened to her without any prior warning or for any good reason. It makes the assault completely unexpected and in turn unavoidable.

This story makes women who read this become hesitant of their male friends because these kinds of attacks are real and it is difficult to ascertain who has your best interest at heart. This story did a great job of portraying helplessness and fear that comes along with this kind of assault. What made this story so difficult to read was the fact that this is not simply some work of fiction. But this exact scenario can and has played out for a great deal of women and this realization makes the story all the more frightening. 

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