Friday, April 29, 2016

The Yellow Wallpaper Response

            The Yellow Wallpaper was a story that used a relatively small cast of characters to show a rather dark story. After reading this I wracked my brain to figure out whether or not the husband was a despot. The things he did were in her best interest however their medical practices were not up to snuff with what we know now. We know that depression exists and cannot be treated by confining someone to bedrest for an indefinite amount of time until they magically cure themselves. Back then John essentially prescribed the “proper” treatment while attempting to cure his wife.

            Jane however must sit in this locked room and battle her depression in the worst environment possible. She constantly confined to her bed and she isn’t even supposed to write. I saw that the only way for her to cope with her treatment was to see the woman within the wallpaper. Without anything to do, her imagination ran wild and in turn warped her mind.  I found it fascinating how given the proper circumstances a simple case of depression can grow into something much more detrimental to her health. Something I got from this story was that this whole situation could have been avoided if John and Jane had an open dialogue about her condition and how they could combat it. 

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