Friday, April 29, 2016

Investing Social Dynamics [1] Discussion

            Zimbardo’s analysis of social dynamics brought to light things we all go through on a day to day basis as a student. As we grow up we are put into society with the goal of thriving within it. Often times we twist who we truly are to become part of the norm so we do not stand out in a negative way. An easy way to have a seemingly happy life is through conformity. The path of least resistance where you seldom make your own decisions and simply go with the most popular opinion. To a certain extent no one is immune to this.

As mentioned in the text, when two lines were compared in a public setting peoples answers changed based off the consensus of the room. Even if the answer is clear as day, if the majority of your peers disagree you begin to doubt yourself. This phenomenon is ever present throughout our lives and we are always battling against peer pressure. Honestly it’s hard to adjust ourselves to consciously think of what we want to do specifically and not what the crowd wants us to do. This want or need to conform to not be an outlier.

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